What has the Collins Family been doing. Get it here ! !

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My time is runninng out

I took the whole 12 weeks of FMLA after having Ashlynn.  I will be returning to work on Monday with mixed feelings.  I can't believe my baby is only 3 days shy of being 3 months old.  I can't believe I've been off work for 3 months. 

Becoming a mother of two beautiful girls I am quickly finding it to be a blessing and a curse. 
Lilyana loves being a big sister.  She loves holding Ashlynn so much so I can't leave them alone or Lilyana will cuddle to closely or try to pick her up if she starts to fuss or jiggle toys in Ashlynn's face radically all which ends in Ashlynn crying.  urgh.  I try to tell her to be gentle, that hardly works, I resort to my stern mean mommy voice which results in Lilyana crying too.  I can't win.

Ashlynn is a good baby.  She rarely crys for no reason.  She is happy to lay in her crib and watch her mobile go round.  She has the cutest little smile, with a small sweet dimple. She is beginning to grasp and hold things.
Lilyana turned three at the end of March.  Her yearly check up was great.  Dr. says she's doing wonderful. She's measuring 50% height and only 5% in weight. but the Dr. wasn't too concerned. She didn't get any shots this visit, which I was extremely happy for.  Especially since her birthday party was that evening. I didn't need a cranky birthday girl. 

We had Lilyana's third birthday at the bowling alley.  We took her the week prior to see if she would like it.  She loved it.  I invited some friends and family thru facebook and text.  Everyone was able to make it even with only one week notice.

My mom moved back to Michigan, yeah ! ! !  she lives in an apartment about 2 miles from our house. I love having my mom back in town.  Our relationship was severly severed when she moved to Tennessee.  I had a hard time communicating to her when she left. I believe it is making a full recovery.  I love my mom so much. So glad to have her back, I guess I already said that but it's so exciting it's worth repeating.  My mom will be watching Ashlynn until the end of the year.  Financially it will work out better for both us this way.  Lilyana will continue to go to daycare, she is learning a lot

Drove down to Tennessee to retrieve my mothers belongs with baby in tow.
Stopped in Indy to meet some friends for dinner on the way home.  So nice to catch up even if it was just a few hours over some super yummy Thai food.  Gosh that was good.  Can't wait to visit the Rich's again.

Extra tidbits........
I find myself rocking and bouncing even if I'm not holding the baby.
Can't think of enough songs to sing to both Ashlynn and Lilyana. right now I'm stuck on Take me out to the Ball Game, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  grrr there are thousands of songs how come I can only thing of the same three songs to sing.
I rarely wear a bra now, just easier to nurse without it.  This will be interesting when I return to work how this will pan out.
I think I have another hernia.  urgh..... I hate this.

To summarize, I've enjoyed my time off work, but I think I'm ready to get back into the work place. I just don't know how I'm going to get out the door my 8am and to work by 8:30am.  Wish my luck.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Inspired by Dawn

This one is for you Dawn, I'll try my hand at comparing my babies
Ashlynn: April 6th 2013, 10 weeks old

Lilyana: April 7th 2010, 1 week old

                                                             Ashlynn: 2 weeks old

Lilyana 1.5 weeks old
1.26.3012 @ 2:20 am
6lbs 9oz, 19 inches
3.30.2010 @ 11:02 pm
6lbs 10oz, 20 inches

Monday, January 14, 2013

Readiness Status

We're ready with carseat bases installed in both cars

I'm mostly ready with my hospital bag packed ( just a few last minute things to add)

I've got my new diaper bag/ camera bag packed and ready

I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore

I'm ready to be done with all the poking and proding that goes along with gestational diabetes
although it seems I've been able to control it with diet alone and shouldn't need to give myself insuline shot, the finger prinking is enough for me thank you very much.

I'm ready to see Lilyana interact with her baby sister

I'm not ready for the pain involved with child birth.  urgh.....

I'm not compeletly ready to hand over my reins at work. My replacement started today, I'd like at least get in a solid week of training.

I'm not ready to have even less time to scrapbook. Someone recently told me.  "I was caught up, until I had the second one."

I'm not ready to literally throw my money away (ie. disposable diapers)

I'm not ready for sleepless nights

BUT ........

I'm very ready to hold my sweet little baby in my arms

Monday, December 31, 2012

Making room update continued

I can proudly say Matt did a fantastic job on all the honey do list that I had for him rearranging and making room.

We officially have a functioning in-law bedroom (by our standards, not Michigan real estate) in the basement.  Grandma Deni and Papa Ken stayed last night and they said it was quite nice.  We have walls, a door, molding, working lights, new outlets, new shelves and soft carpeting.  I promise we will post pictures soon.

Lilyana has her very own big girl room that she loves.  My mom came up last month to help paint Lil's room a beautiful teal blue. She has transitioned very well.  She has a twin bed and she sleeps through the night about 50% of the time. When she wakes up I go in and lay with her for an hour or so and then I'll move back to my bed.  It's usually pretty painless, she'll want to snuggle and we both fall asleep.

The baby's room is coming along. Matt converted the bed back into a crib and I have pulled out baby clothes to wash and put away.  I've pulled out baby toys, bottles and other baby stuff and have been busy reorganizing areas to accommodate the baby stuff again.

Some things I would still like to make happen before Ashlynn makes her appearance.

1) Install car seat bases into both cars.

2) Take a tour of the birthing area of the hospital (Since I will be at a differant hospital that I was at with Lilyana).

3) Pack hospital bag.

4) Would love to get new dresser and rearrange closets ( But I'm not betting on that one) Our custom made Amish dresser should be done early Feb.

5) Get pump from a friend.

6) Scrapbook a little more.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Making room update

Here's where we're (aka Matt) is on the list:

1) Finish wall / Hire electriction to rewire light switch & convince Matt that we need 2nd light.

2) Paint spare room

3) Buy carpet (it's ordered and should be here on Monday, Nov 26th) / get dresser from Aunt Dawn's house, get rid of brown cloth couch ( hopefully this will happen when Grandma & Grandpa come to visit and bring their truck for hauling. )
--In work dresser is in Grandma & Grandpa's truck, we should have dresser tomorrow.

4) Install Carpet / molding in spare room.

5) Move furniture into spare room

6) Paint Lilyana's room ( former spare room ) I'll get share inspiration photos below.
-- Mom will be here on Friday, staying a week to help paint.  Yippey ! !

7) Painting Lilyana's recycled headboard.

8) Rearrange closets ( ie. move Matt's cloths to either basement closet or buy new dressers to hold all of our stuff.
-- In work, ordered Amish dresser that will accomodate more storage, only bummer part is that it will take 10 weeks,  That's when baby's due.

89) Seting up lilyana's room with her new bed and dresser, pictures and such