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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Oh it's been awhile

Lilyana is 21 months old

She is a chatter box, sometimes we can't understand anything that she's saying but other times we know exactly what she's talking about.
Most recently phrases:
"Yapup" = wrap up , talking about wrapping her babies in a blanket
"dark in der" = it's dark in there, when she going into a room with the light off.

Everyday she says a new word, she pretty amazing

She counts, not well but it's something. normal counting goes something like this:
"Two, three, four, five, six, eight, nine, six, nine."
For some reason she rarely says ONE, SEVEN or TEN.

When asked her shapes, she knows, circle, triangle, star and heart with out any help.
She know specific books: she will find her hiccupotums book when she has the hiccups. A book about a hippopotumus that has the hiccups. That was too sweet.

She will sit on the potty chair, sometimes we get luck and she goes.. we're try but not pushing the issue too much yet.