What has the Collins Family been doing. Get it here ! !

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Martha Stewart Christmas Tree

This is a Christmas Tree that Martha Stewart would be proud of ( I think) not that I'm looking for Martha Stewart's approval but I think it's a pretty classy lookin' tree. Thank you Danny for all your help. I couldn't have done it without you.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Random Crap inspired

streets of Washington D.C. -- July 2008

Ken in Nashville

Nate and Alicia Playing Wii

Friday, November 21, 2008


I just have to express how much facebook is like crack, I don't talk from experience but it's very addicting. At first it wasn't so cool but the more and more I've spend on it I find that I want to spend more. Looking around finding people I haven't talked with in years, and not really sure I want to talk with again but some how feel compelled to say hi and ask them to be my friend, everyday I get more friends, it's such a rush. it's totally crazy I know. Half of the battle of breaking an addiction is admitting the problem, well here i am admitting I spend way to much time thinking about facebook. Who added me as their friend or who can i look up to be my friend. My life is filled with people I love and I know love me, but I need to have more friends CRAZY ? ?
The next part is even worst !!! once your my friend I feel like a peeping tom, nosing around in your pictures, seeing what you like to do in your free time, it's kinda creepy in a voyeuristic way. Can someone help this addition, soon you'll see self help classes for people who've lost their jobs, social life, sex life etc... because their stuck to the computer playin on facebook. What has this world come to?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Jessica's Long Lost senior session

Thankful for:

1) a safe vacation -- drive down to Nashville to visit family and friends
2) To have great friends like Rob and Kim
3)to have found Jessica's senior session
4)a stable job
5)a husband who loves me
6)a husband I love.

Fun Busy Weekend in Nashville

We drove to Nashville friday with friends Rob and Kim. The main purpose for the trip was for our friend Jerrys wedding that took place saturday. While we were in town we met up with Mom and Ken (they live 2 hours west of Nashville). We also met up with cousin Kevie and Alex who live near downtown. The wedding was beautiful and we had fun sunday being tourists (even though the weather was chilly).

Rob and Kim

Matt and Alicia at The Parthenon Centennial Park

Alicia, Matt, Kevie, Alex at the Opryland hotel

Ken and Mom
Kevie Matt and Jack Daniels

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Session 2

I was at the shop for about 6 hours this time. 2 hours of drawing and 3.5 of tattoo. The outline is all finished now and some color got added to the inside of my arm. From here on out it will be all color and shading. Next session at the end of december.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Football Saturday!

Saturday I went to West Lafayette, Ind with some friends to watch 2 terrible teams battle it out. Michigan lost to Purdue 48-42. We had fun and it was a good game even though Michigan lost earning their first losing season since 1967.

How bad is Michigan this year? When the punter starts selling jerseys know its not good. A lot of 3 & outs this year.

Purdue Pete - Mascot of Purdue