What has the Collins Family been doing. Get it here ! !

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 3 - BioSite and Balboa Park

On Wednesday we went to meet Elena at her work, BioSite. although we don't have any pictures from there it was really neat and intresting to see what she does at work.
Then we went to Balboa Park to see a photography exhibit along with the beautiful spanish architecture there.

San Diego - Day 2 (Stone Brewery & Coronado)

Here's a map of all the places we visited.

View San Diego Vacation in a larger map

FREE: Stone Brewery Tour with free beer at the end, always a bonus (for Matt anyways)

great view of downtown San Diego from Cenniental Park on Coronado.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Vegas Trip

We took a trip to Vegas for Ryan and Nikki's wedding. We arrived Wednesday and stayed at the Tropicana. The Wedding was on Thursday at the MGM chapel. The rest of the week we walked, gambled, partied with friends, and went to a show (Jubilee at Ballys). Sunday we got a rental car and drove to San Diego to stay with some friends. Tune in later for San Diego pictures.

Here we are at the Bellagio with Paris in the background.

Inside the Wynn

Outside the Wynn (Fashion Mall on the left)

Sunrise from our hotel window

Vegas Wedding

After 10 years Ryan an Nikki finally decide to tie the knot in Vegas

Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Toes" Music Video

today's theme song

"Life is Good Today"

Is Nocvember 8th.... and it was 67 degrees. SWEET !! By now we've usually seen some sort of snow on the ground but not yet. Matt and I even got a round of 9 in at the golf course. This is the first time he's played since his injuy and he said he felt great. Our scores on the other hand, not so great. We had fun anyway

Tuesday, November 3, 2009