What has the Collins Family been doing. Get it here ! !

Friday, July 23, 2010

Cousins Portrait

We had the cousins photographed, it was no where near pefect but it wasn't horrible either. I may try again on Sunday before the Franklin's leave to go back home.
Here what JCPenny got, take a look:

Customer Code: Alicia Collins

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lilyana's new talents

Lilyana rolls over
She can roll from her back to her tummy, but has a hard time getting onto her back again (she has done it before but usually needs help)

Lilyana Sits with Boppy
She can't sit up all by herself just yet but she does pretty good with the help of the boppy.

Lilyana uses her hands
She is still a little uncoordinated but is starting to use her hands for more things than just something to put in her mouth.

*click links to view videos

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Matt's hobby

Many of you knew of Matt's hobby in high school was playing Magic the Gathering. For about 10 years between high school & now he hasn't played very often, but within the last two years playing "Magic" has made a resurgance. This weekend he played in a pre-release tournament. Meaning a new set of card is coming out so they play the tournament with the new set(M11). He paid $30. and got 5 hours of playing time and 6 packs of 15 cards each. He spends hours looking through stacks for cards. He has them all organized but he still has alot.

Lilyana trys to " help" sometimes.

He also won this cool box that holds cards. I am about as intrested in Magic as Matt is intrested in my Scrapbooking but we still support each other in our hobbies. Here is Matt's newest creative venture. He cut the artwork off these cards, matched them up to create a landscrape picture. We had the stripes framed. It actually lots pretty cool.

Rise of the Eldrazi basic land, from the top: Island, Forest, Swamp, Plains, Mountain

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Misc. Pictures

This was taken just after she completed her roll from back to belly. What a big girl she's getting to be. Everyone says she's so strong. Look out now.... this moving thing has just begun. I can't believe how soon she got a hang of it.

Lilyana helping Mommy with Laundry

Friends and Family

Virginia Arens, long time friend from high school. She lives in Houston, TX and was just passing through Battle Creek via the train, she got to jump out for a few hours and spent a little time before continuing her journey. Thanks for visiting , just wish it was longer.
Cousin James Baggett came out to visit when we had a Collins family party.

Katie Bagley, (Nate her husband and Matt work together. ) She watches Lilyana on fridays so Matt and Nate can play Magic the Gathering together at the card store. She was also the one who permed my hair.
April Roche -- she was my first Battle Creek friend. She has since moved to Layefette, IN, boo. I'm standing up in her wedding at the end of this month. I can't wait.
Gary Cardenez, x-coworker and friend of Matt. Gary just became a grandpa last week. Grand baby Cole is in Oklahoma so he came over her to get his baby lovin out. He's so excited to be a Grandpa it's so cute.