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Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm So Giddy

Reason #1 What a perfect day (so far) - I hope i didn't just jinx myself.
The snow is absolutely beautiful. It's perfect snow, coming down lightly floating down from heaven, plus it's perfect packing snow, you know what that means...... A snowman ( bummer I didn't have time to make a snowman) I so wish Marley was here, we would have so much fun today.

Reason #2 --- I won up close parking at work. Yeah I don't have to walk from the dirt lot in the snow. It's one thing to play in the snow and a complete different thing to walk to work in the snow.

Reason #3 --- It's my birthday and I got an awesome coat from Mom and Ken and some super cute birthday cards from friends (some even handmade Way Cool. ) Thanks everyone. I love you


Gramma goes Blogging said...

HOLY COWS I don't have any snow out my windo yet. Happy Birthday Alicia

Dawn said...

Happy Late Birthday! Glad you had a great day. Marley would have loved the snow! We haven't had very cold weather here. I don't think we'll have snow any time soon.