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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I want to lose my job

I wish I could type as fast as my brian is thinking. More handouts. No wonder this economy sucks the goverment and companies are giving things away left and right. Who needs a job these days anyways. If I lose my job, I'll get unemployment, free college, if I have a ford or gm car those companies will pay for between a year to 9 payment of $500 of my car payments (that $4,500).First, if your car payments are $500 in the first place you did something wrong, sell it and buy something you can afford. Uh have you ever heard of money down and living within your means. OK here my idea.. Let my buy my brand new 2009 Malibu LTZ and then please lay me off. I could be perfectly happy going to school for free and driving my car for free and playing on facebook all day. Arrugh........... I'd like to think of myself as a honest hard working person but it's becoming easier and easier to let everybody (taxpayers) do it for me.

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