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Sunday, April 18, 2010

What a good baby

So many people might say that having a baby changes everything. I will agree with them in some aspect but I was always afraid of losing "me", I like myself and I liked my life before Lilyana, so why should that change? For the most part, I do what I did before just with baby in tow. So in theory a baby with change how you do things but doesn't have to change "you". It's just "you" as a parent now also. I think I'm learning how to do both be "me" and be "mom".

So far Lilyana has been out quite often, meeting friends for lunch and dinner. here's the list of resturants she's been to already. She's slept the whole time at everyone of them. She's really made it easy for us.

Yarrow's -- Easter Brunch
Noodles & Company -- Lunch with Stacy
Chinese Buffet -- Matt & Me (too lazy to cook)
Clara's -- Dinner with Mom on her last night
Mongolian BBQ -- Dinner with Nate & Katie
Nina's -- Lunch with Jayme, Jill & Katelin


Gramma goes Blogging said...

That's right, life don't need to stop, just readjusted

Dawn said...

Yeah, babies are (relatively) easy. I would say having a TODDLER changes everything! Keep up the good work!

Kaybeeski said...

We had our first leaving-the-restauarant-with-a-screaming-baby moment tonight. Usually he's really good when we go out, but something got into him tonight and he was not happy. I got to finish my meal at home.