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Monday, October 18, 2010

Session 1 - Foot

I decided to go back to Sean Peters, this time at the new shop Eclectic Art Tattoo Gallery in downtown Lansing. This session lasted 3 hours & now my foot is a little swollen. The plan for this one is to cover the lower half of my right leg. Next session is November 6 - outline.

Click here for video


Sarah said...

ouch! but it looks really cool. cant wait to see the rest of it!

Sarah said...

Sarah took my comment. Ditto:)

Dawn said...

Oops, that was from me.

Gramma goes Blogging said...

haha Remember to log out Sarah, Man that's some swelling. looks like Dads edema

Gramma goes Blogging said...

Kewl I just noticed you had the actual video of the painful process. I swear I am a friend and Follower, i gotta go check that out and see why i don't get e-mail notifications