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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Friends with babies

Although most of my friends from high school have moved away to exciting new places, they still have family back home in Michigan. Yippey for me, cause I get a chance to catch up on them and how wonderful their families are growing. Oh my growing to say the least.

For Thanksgiving Kay and her husband Dan, can to visit with their most handsome son Henry. He was such a character he was cool with Lilyana following him around his grandma's house. Sharing his dog bed and laundry basket. see Kay's story

For Christmas, Kim and her husband Josh and their two beautiful kids Julia and Paul made the drive up from Atlanta to come visit. With precise calculation we found an hour to get together to see each other. It was one the of quickest hours of my life It was so fun to watch our three little ones play with one another.

Born on mother's day Paul has the cutest gummy smile, you just can help but to smile back at him yeah, you try to get three kids to look at the camera, still so stinkin' cute

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