Lilyana has been a really good baby. she gets up about 3 times during our slept schedule.
We'll put here down for bed between 11pm - 12am, then up at 2am- 3am, again between 5am- 6am and then once again around 8am - 9am. then we get out of bed around 10am - 11am. I know most people would just start their day at 8am- 9am but we haven't fully adjusted to that schedule yet, and yeah if she's going to let us sleep more i'm all for it. Most of the time she sleeps in the cradle next to our bed but usually one "nap time" she'll get to sleep with us usually the last one she'll stay in bed with us for a few hours.
so I'll get on to what every one really wants is more pictures:
Taking a walk
Our little baby boy for the day, Auntie Sarah got this super cute outfit and this blue blanket was way too soft to take back or re-gift so here's our little girl in blue.
Mini photo session, I took close to 80 shots, so many cute ones
Big yawn
Daddy and his little girl cuddling on the couch watching some Tigers baseball.
Photos are great but so are stories. Sounds like the sleep habits are just about right, but we need to know about the day time. How long is she awake lately during the day? Does she have a long stretch one time during the day, or does she sleep more during the day than at night? do You got plans for Friday?lol *hint hint*
Adorable! Sounds like you're able to get a little sleep in there yourself.
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