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Thursday, May 27, 2010

2 months old

Lilyana is 2 months old, where has the time gone. She regularly smiling and cooing, awh these are so rewarding, it makes up for all the time when she's not happy.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun times with the fam

Today we had quite an adventure. we went for a walk/ hike at the Ott Biological preserve. I've been to this place before but we walked a new trail. 2.5 miles plus. About 3/4 into the walk i started to worry that Lilyana might not make it before she starts freaking out, or that it would start raining or we wouldn't find our way back. Well we made it back just in time for the rain to come and no freak outs. Yeah ! !

Uncle Pat came to visit.

Had Lilyana's First photo session by someone other that her mommy

Celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a delicious Mexican dinner at the new place in town.

and Played a round of Settlers, Talked with my friend Virge.

All in All today was a good day.

Photographer goes to the studio

Yes, I took Lilyana to JcPenny Portrait Studio, I had a coupon and Yes they suckered me into buy the Portrait Club. So here's the link to see her pictures.
Customer Name: Alicia Collins
Access code: LTPP0309109527JCP
We ordered P7 and E5.

I Love her dress that Grandma Collins crocheted

I snapped these at home before we went to the studio.

You may ask why i got suckered into the Portrait Club.
#1. You can never have too many pictures.
#2. The club is no sitting fees for 2 years.
#3. I can use other coupons for the package 1-8x10, 2-5x7, 4-3x5, 16 wallets. for only $7.99 ( that's about what I would pay at Sam's club anyways.)
#4. We can do family pictures without having to set the timer.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 1 photo session

We are well on our way to getting through our list, although we are adding more things daily.

I really wanted to find a black onesie for the pictures, thinking that we wouldn't actually find a black onesie Sarah came up with the great idea to just dye one. So today we dyed a onesie black and took some pictures ( black onesie seen is photos with aunt sarah). Later after our photo session we went shopping at hobby lobby and guess what they had ..... black onesie. That's ok we only spent $1.50 on dye and black onesie was $4. So it was still cheaper the way we did it, plus they didn't have lilyana size (extra-small)

Thanks to Auntie Cyndi for the bear blanket seen in the first photos

See more pictures we took today at Sarah's blog

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Auntie Sarah is here to visit

Aunt Sarah is here for a week to visit little Lilyana. We have lots of fun plans for this week. I just hope we can accomplish MOST of it. Here is our agenda....

1 )Shop at Hobby Lobby for some photo props, take fun pictures
2 ) Shop at Kohls for a purse but we're waiting for coupons to show up in the mail first.
3) Pictures at JC Penny.
4) Rearrange living room.
5) Clean out bath room lotion/ hair baubbles drawer.
6) Scrapbook.
7) Shop for some flowers
8 )Plant flowers.
9) Give Lilyana lots of kisses.

We have quite a full schedule, I know we won't get to all of it, but I'm hoping for the majority.