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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fun times with the fam

Today we had quite an adventure. we went for a walk/ hike at the Ott Biological preserve. I've been to this place before but we walked a new trail. 2.5 miles plus. About 3/4 into the walk i started to worry that Lilyana might not make it before she starts freaking out, or that it would start raining or we wouldn't find our way back. Well we made it back just in time for the rain to come and no freak outs. Yeah ! !

Uncle Pat came to visit.

Had Lilyana's First photo session by someone other that her mommy

Celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a delicious Mexican dinner at the new place in town.

and Played a round of Settlers, Talked with my friend Virge.

All in All today was a good day.

1 comment:

Gramma goes Blogging said...

Dad wonders why u never brought us to that park