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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Making room update

Here's where we're (aka Matt) is on the list:

1) Finish wall / Hire electriction to rewire light switch & convince Matt that we need 2nd light.

2) Paint spare room

3) Buy carpet (it's ordered and should be here on Monday, Nov 26th) / get dresser from Aunt Dawn's house, get rid of brown cloth couch ( hopefully this will happen when Grandma & Grandpa come to visit and bring their truck for hauling. )
--In work dresser is in Grandma & Grandpa's truck, we should have dresser tomorrow.

4) Install Carpet / molding in spare room.

5) Move furniture into spare room

6) Paint Lilyana's room ( former spare room ) I'll get share inspiration photos below.
-- Mom will be here on Friday, staying a week to help paint.  Yippey ! !

7) Painting Lilyana's recycled headboard.

8) Rearrange closets ( ie. move Matt's cloths to either basement closet or buy new dressers to hold all of our stuff.
-- In work, ordered Amish dresser that will accomodate more storage, only bummer part is that it will take 10 weeks,  That's when baby's due.

89) Seting up lilyana's room with her new bed and dresser, pictures and such

29 weeks

Today I had my final monthly Dr. appointment.  I now have to see Dr. Young  every two weeks.  Although I am excited to being closer to baby Ashlynn's due date, I also realize we have lots to do before her arrival and  I'm getting nervous that we will have everything done and ready for her.  
Every two weeks,  ugh. Don't get me wrong  The dr. appointment it's self isn't bad, I love checking to see how our little girl is growing. I just don't like the fact that that my twenty minute dr. appointment seems to take nearly half the day. With a twenty minute commute there and back usually smack in the middle of the day, it's hard to get a full work day in.  I'd like to save my vacation time for after Ashlynn's arrival.

Here's a recap of what we've been dealing with so far:
The last four times I've went I've had ultrasounds to check Ashlynn status. She was breech and sitting on my cervis which made it nearly impossible for the ultrasound tech to get a clear image of the bottom of her spine.  They are checking to make sure the spine has formed together correctly and to rule out spina bifida.  Today's ultrasound was a success.  She is head down.  (yeah !! for no more breech baby) The Ultrasound tech was able to get a clear view of the base of the spine. We are good = ) 

heart rate: 138
baby weight : 3lbs.

She's getting bigger,  her movement can be seen and felt my others. My personal favorite is Lilyana knows her sister's name and she will even sit still long enough to feel the baby kicking.  Today while reading on the couch the baby was moving around like crazy, so I lifted my shirt and Lilyana puts her hand on my belly.  She says " I can feel Ashlynn kicking me momma"  Awh...... it's so sweet it just melts my heart.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall Leaves

Lilyana "helping" cleaning up all the leaves.

           Love this picture, I can totally see her smile behind that leaf.  Her eyes are smiling

Lilyana and Jubie 2 years ago.
Some things never change.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

Day after Halloween with Lilyana

On the way home from day care:
Lil: I like being outside in the dark
Me: You do?
Lil: Ya, Its ok because the houses and pumpkins are all lit up

At this point I realize she had been thinking about her trick or treating experience all day
Lil: I want to see my treats
Me: Ok, when we get home you can pick out 3 treats for you & 3 treats for me.
The second we get inside the house
Lil: My treats! My treats! (repeating as I take off my coat – lilyana's eyes are starting to tear up)

We sit down at the table and I dump her bucket of candy out in front of her. (turns out she did pretty good the night before) Lilyana quickly grabs a roll of smarties and a tootsie roll and reaches out for a third piece of candy but then quickly holds back and thinks about it for about 30 more seconds before deciding on a mini hersheys chocolate bar.

Me: Ok, what 3 do I get, can I have this one (pointing to the mini Payday)
Lil: Ya, you can have it (she also picks out a tootsie roll and a 2 pack of starburst)

By the time I have my payday down, Lilyana has opened the tootsie roll and the smarties (with bites of each in her mouth) Now she is starting to open the hersheys bar. I can tell Lilyana likes opening the candy just as much as eating it.

Lil: It's chocolate!
(she breaks the bar in 2 pieces and hands half to me)
Lil: Here ya go daddy
Me: Thank you very much
Lil: I want to open that for you
(she grabs the starburst & opens the outer wrapper to find 2 pieces inside)
Lil: One for you and one for me, I want to open yours for you.
Me: Ok

This wrapper turned out to be a little more difficult to open than the other ones. Lilyana was concentrating very intently on the starburst.

Lil: Its like opening a little present

After a little while she gets it open and hands it to me, then moves on to open her half.

Maybe we will have another 3 treats tomorrow.