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Friday, April 2, 2010

More Pictures of Lilyana

Today was a very busy day for Lilyana (even though she slept through most of it). First, the pediatrician wanted some more blood work done at the lab to check her bilirubin count. After her 1st 24 hours when we were at the hospital she measured 8.1. Later she measured 11.1. The lab results from today showed 14. The doctor called right away with the results and said that he ordered a rental UV light that would be delivered to our house that would be used to treat the jaundice.

She also had lots of visitors today (most bearing gifts!). Great Aunt Dawn, Uncle Patrick, Aunt Cyndi, April, Erick & Hope all met her for the first time today!

(she looks very yellow in this picture)

We tried to keep Lilyana near a window with sunlight, this was the temporary solution while we waited for the UV light to be delivered. Jubie has been very curious, wondering "is this my replacement".

Baby tanning bed
After an address mixup, the UV light finally showed up around 9pm. Lillyana will be wrapped up in it until her peditrician appointment Saturday at 11am. After will be more blood work (to check the bilirubin count again, followed by more UV treatment (until the doctor says she dosen't need it anymore)

This blog title remindes me of this song


Gramma goes Blogging said...

ah shes so darn cute, that light is new fangled from 30 years ago. You don't need to have her eyes covered?. Don't look into the light!! Get yer bili in order little Lil,and when the company gets outta hand even though I know you love all yer friends, take care of your selfs too mom n dad, retreat to your room and close the door. :-) get yer rest while you can. tons of Love xoxoxo

Gramma goes Blogging said...

great article here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080513235544AAK8U09 Plain and simple Nurse Lilyana often